A child likes to imitates his parents, especially mom and so I think it is important for mine to see me design creatively rather than buying things from shops. Doing things for family and enjoying the process. Since we don't live in India, my son does not get to see the rest of family( my cousins and his cousins) together or ever. This was a good time to get the family together. Although I must admit that he was only 3, too young to remember meeting them all. My sister's kids are older and they will definitely remember.
Last year we had planned a surprise birthday party for my father. Our whole family- brother, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles- all are on whatsapp. Many don't have Facebook accounts, many don't even check their email accounts, but whatsapp- oh yes, everybody does check it daily if not hourly:)
I am sure I am not the only one, that's how today's families are like. So this invitation was sent out on whatsapp.
I made this invitation using super cool and easy tools provided by Picmonkey. The chalkboard effect is used as a base and added colorful blooming flowers for surprise element.
Its important to instigate I-can-do-it-myself concept in their mind as soon as possible. The I-can-buy-everything-in-a-shop concept is not good at all.
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