Thursday, April 28, 2016

DIY Painted door name plate with wooden initial letter, canvas and clay

A house has to have a door name plate. Most homes come with numbers but to make it our own a name plate is a must!!

 In my opinion, a name plate should identity and represent the kind of family it is. In our case, we are a creative family who love greenery, beaches, simple things in life and our life revolves around our 4 year old . I designed the idea in mind. We do creative activities at home in the afternoon after school. 

Painting on canvas with acrylics has been one of the favorite activity. Although we don't do it as often as I want it to be:( I am a bit of perfectionist. I want art to be original not inspired and that's what I want my son to learn. It has to be his idea. I do give him several ideas to think of his own.Many times it is totally his and some times it is mine. Basically I don't enforce my choice on him.  I have been doing this since he was 2. I believe it encourages decision making and self esteem. 

For this project, we used a canvas, a wooden letter- initial of our surname, sea shells we had collected and air dry clay.
Canvas/Background: We started by painting the background. Sunny boy choose his colors. He likes to use ample of colors in his brush and make thick strokes. He did his painting work. Once he and I were satisfied, we set it for drying. 

Wooden Letter: Then we started with the work on our wooden letter. Lil' A had scribbled on it a few days earlier, so we painted it with white first. Then poured a generous amount of glue on it. LIl' A choose sea shells from a big bag of collection. We had collected them when we were in Dubai. Dubai beaches are really nice with clear water , soft sand and ample of sea shells. Every time we went to the beach, I would bring back a small collection. We both talked about the lovely days and fun we had on Dubai beach. Coming back to the project, I glued sea shells in small corners wherever it was empty to completely cover the wooden letter.

Clay letters: It took a day or two for the canvas to dry completely. Meanwhile we cut out letters of our last name out of air dry clay. Sunny boy loves to roll out the clay, cut letters with cookie cutter. He painted it with yellow- my choice - his was blue which I thought would not look good on green. 

After everything was dried, we fixed it in it's place with glue.

 Voila, our door plate was ready. 

Lil' A was so so happy and proud of his work. He couldn't wait to show it to his father. He was jumping with joy. Whenever we come home tired and I mention to him how beautiful the name plate looks, he is so proud. I made it , he proudly says.

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